Knoxville Birth Photography |Water Birth of Audrey

Home Birth, Water Birth

Taylor text me right as my husband was leaving for work. Her last baby came quickly and that was a hospital birth, this time she was staying home, so I knew I needed to get there quickly! 20 Minutes later I was on the road listening to my favorite radio show that I usually never get to hear since its on early in the morning.

As I walked up I was so excited this would be a daytime birth. Taylor created such a beautiful birth space and I knew the lighting would be so lovely on this early morning. Before I really got set up I went to check on Taylor to see where she was at. And it was clear to the midwives and I that baby would be here very soon. Instead of getting checked she walked straight to the birth tub and hopped in.

Taylor was so calm as she listened to her birth recording. Joel was always nearby to encourage and snuggle in between the contractions. Soon they called in Taylor’s parents and children. The kids were so curious and interested and seemingly unphased by all the birth happenings. Taylor began to feel the pressure of baby’s head emerging and everyone gathered in a little closer to watch.

Baby gently came out as her midwife guided her head. Joel came over to catch baby as we slowly could see her forehead, the whole face, then shoulders and finally she was out! Baby’s beautiful cord was draped around her body and her midwife gently pulled it down. Taylor turned around as they held baby up to her and she announced, “It’s a Girl!”

Everyone was so amazed and excited! She looked amazing and was so calm and happy. I am always amazed at how calm and quiet babies are when they are born in the water. The kids were so excited and came closer to meet their new sister. And Grandma and Grandpa were so proud of their daughter. It was such a beautiful and fast experience!

And Christopher was so interested in the placenta! After it was born he came in with sandwich bags on his hands, which was his idea, so he could examine the placenta fully. It was so neat to see how interested he was in everything going on. He observed how warm it was which I just loved! He was so sweet and caring towards his new sister and couldn’t wait to hold her and play with her.

Taylor and Joel were just absolutely amazing. After all the after birth happenings were done they all snuggled in bed together and rested as a new family of 5.

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